Tuesday, January 29, 2008

January 29, 2008 - 7 1/2 hour clinic visit... woof!

Last day of consolidation!!! Yippeee!!!

Hey everyone... we just got home from our 7.5 hour visit to the clinic today. It has been a LONG LONG day. For the most part, things went really well... plenty of good news... but unfortunately Alex needed blood again. This time she got two bags of blood. I am still a little confused as to why all her other counts came way up, but her red blood count was WAY down??? Who knows. Her platelets looked awesome... and her white count is up to 1900 today. That made me happy. I posted two pictures tonight... both of which Alex is being a smart A$$. At least her sense of humor is coming back. In fact, in addition to the "fish" posting, there was another one that I didn't take a picture of. In the clinic there is a bulletin board where you write something unique about yourself on a snowflake and hang it on the board... Alex finds all of these things very infantile and always makes fun of them, (it is a Children's hospital) so... today she took a snowflake and wrote on it "I like to dress up in Mommy's clothes" and signed it with a boys name and hung it on the wall. We all got a really good laugh out of it. After meeting with the oncologist doctor we went down to meet with the Neurologist to see about Alex's progress on the stroke that she had. We were filling out the paperwork there when the last question asked "is there anything about you that we should know?" and Alex puts down "Alex is from Pirate ancestry". The doctor got a kick out of that one... SO... everything looked really good with that doctor and she ordered another EEG, which is like a brain mapping type test... that will be done sometime next week, and if that comes back good, along with the MRI that we will be getting on Monday, Alex may be able to get rid of her anti-seizure medication. Yay! SO... Monday she gets an MRI and Tuesday we go back in and she gets another lumbar puncture and also a Bone Marrow biopsy to make sure everything is still in remission. We learned something new today on the blood clot situation that is in Alex's head. As you know, she is on Lovenox shots twice a day that keeps her blood thin, while her body takes care of the clotting. We didn't realize that when they say "six months of blood thinners", that is exactly what they mean.... there is no benefit to staying on them longer. Whatever stage the blood clot is in after six months is what you are left with. SO... I am really hoping that the MRI that we get on Monday will show some significant improvements.

SO, everything went really well today, even though it was a VERY long day. Alex was pretty much in a decent mood but was getting pretty worn out by the end. She didn't steal anything this week, so good news there...

Everyone... please send some good blood cell vibes... include the red ones, k? I hope everyone has a great week... and Alex is very much up to visitors, so if you would like to visit, please email me. (email address to the right)

I will check back in on Monday, unless something exciting happens before then, and let you all know how the MRI went.

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