Friday, January 11, 2008

January 11, 2008

Day 4 (the last of the IV chemo this week)

Hi everyone!

Well, not much has changed since yesterday. Alex's count took a small hit and now we are at 2800, so the chemo is working... by next week when they start again, it could be ugly. BUT... it appears that the fevers may be going away. SO, I think we will be out of here tomorrow. Let's hope. Alex is sooo ready to go home. I am hoping to get her into some in-patient rehab though. We will see what we can work out with that today. I really think it would do her a lot of good to be there. I am having a hard time motivating her. I am at a loss as to what is the right way to do it, and all this hospital time has really made her more weak than before. AND that, we can't have. It's really a catch 22... if she gets up and moving and doing the excercises she gets nauseous... when she lays around all day, I can't hardly get her walking. And I really think that is worse. It is very frustrating. I'll let you know what happens.

Thanks everyone for all the thoughts and prayers! And all the good vibes!!! We need energy vibes now, k? I know... I am asking for WAY too many vibes, but you all seem to do very well at this!

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