Thursday, January 10, 2008

January 10, 2008 - A bag of fat please

THURSDAY, JANUARY 10, 2008 10:24 AM, MST

Day 3

The white cells are 3000 today. Too cool. The fever, however, is still here. With this count, we could walk around somewhere... just not in a hospital, so it really doesn't give us much freedom here :(

We had an "ok" night last night. Unfortunately the dreaded TPN and "fat bag" has showed back up on our IV pole :( Alex is losing too much weight, so she is back on IV nutrician, and a side of fat (lipids). These combined with her maintenance fluids had us up going to the bathroom every single hour through the night. We won't be out of here, now, until she kicks the food bag habit.

Alex had two visitors last night... first her friend, Valerie, from Westminster stopped by. Alex hasn't seen her since the night we picked Alex up in horrible pain... the dreaded night that I will never forget. Alex seemed to have a really good time visiting with her. I think these types of visitors are very important for Alex's improvement.

Also... Mrs. Sauve (pronounced So-Vay) stopped by. She has always been a favorite of Alex's. This was Alex's 4th and 5th grade teacher. Alex has always kept in touch with her, and they have gotten to be good friends. I will tell you all, Alex would not be who and where she is today without this woman. She is so very special! She told me last night that she has taken a new job and it broke a little of my heart. I am so sad for all the students that will not be getting this unbelievable lady for a teacher. Good luck to her on her new adventure! Alex loves visiting with her, so I hope she comes back soon!

I hesitate to put this in print, but... they aren't going to do anything about the lung thing at this point. The surgeon doesn't think it is anything that she can "for sure" go in and grab that exact thing... so... they are going to start Alex on another anti-fungal medication... a better one than before because it is oral and I won't have to mix it up at home and administer it IV. Yae! So... another scan in a couple of weeks to see if the lung thing looks better.

As for the fever... we are going to do our "day 4" treatment tomorrow, and then we are blowing this clam bake on Saturday morning :o) If the fevers don't go away at home in 24 hours, I guess we are back. It sure makes me hesitant to go home??? you know...

Thanks everyone for the white cell vibes... they are still working! And also, thanks for the good lung vibes. Who knew you all would be sending such strange vibes, eh? They are much appreciated!!! Ok... a new one to work on everyone... please send NO FEVER vibes. Let's see how good you all are on those :o)

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