Monday, January 7, 2008

January 7, 2008

Another day in the hospital... and most likely tomorrow too.

This morning has been eventful already... First, thanks again everyone for good white blood cell thoughts. Alex went up to 900 today. They are climbing, but boy are these the slowest rises that we have had. BUT... they are going in the right direction. It is just so hard not to be frustrated with the slow results. SO... I told you all about Alex having foot pain all of a sudden. They are going to do an x-ray today and see if there is "maybe" an infection there somewhere around her foot??? And also, she is going to have a broad CT scan done today to see if there is an infection hiding anywhere else... or if we have another fungal thing happening... I SURE HOPE NOT!!! They can't do the CT scans until the white cells come up because there are none of them to watch... when you have an infection the little white cells all hang out where the infection is... Now, maybe, they will see if there is something somewhere.

SO... white cells are in line... platelets are still in line (but dropping slowly so they need to hurry). The oncologist came in and said that they want to watch the fever for today... but the chemo will most likely start tomorrow. Then it will be a fun filled 28 days (and probably a visit back here at the end due to low blood counts again). But, at least we are getting started. We don't want any of those little sleeper leukemia cells to wake up and start causing trouble... we need to kill them in their sleep!!! At least we don't have that crummy Vincristine chemo this week. Yippee... and no lumbar puncture either! We have learned to take pleasure in very small things these days. Like... I had the most wonderful cup of coffee yesterday at home... just sitting there. You don't think of things like that until you aren't able to do them.

And yes... I am dining on peanut m&m's for the protein, of course. I also had a side of cafeteria nachos last night. Yum-O!!! Where you pump the yummy cheese out of a plastic machine. Super healthy huh?

Oh... another thing... Alex has started on this appetite enhancer pill a few days back... well, did some research on it last night (because this cocktail of pills has me a little nervous) and it is the same chemical in marijuana. SO... it is suppose to help with nausea as well as give her the munchies :o) Let's hope it starts working. She has lost a ton of weight so far.

Thanks everyone for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers, and I will check back tomorrow and tell you if the chemo starts! Keep your fingers crossed for some dang answers. (and little white blood cells too)

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