Sunday, January 6, 2008

January 6, 2008 - A blast from the past

SUNDAY, JANUARY 6, 2008 11:04 AM, MST

January 6, 2008

Everything is pretty much the same here. Alex’s counts reached 800 this morning. That is awesome. I am hoping that her next chemo session can begin tomorrow. I think they will do treatment with a fever. Let’s hope. I know the doctors don’t like to prolong things either, so we’ll see.

Dan stayed with Alex last night, and I was able to go home and take a much needed shower, catch up on some laundry and sleep in my own bed. He has been amazing through all of this. I don’t know what I would do without him. He is so good with Alex. He is eager to learn everything… like hooking up IV antibiotics for her… and he gives her Lovenox shots when I am not there (blood thinners that she has to have twice a day).

Alex had a great visitor yesterday. One of her teachers from high school came up. Nancy Clark. This teacher has been amazing in Alex’s life, and it seems that Alex was the same in hers. I tell you, there isn’t anything that makes Alex smile like her favorite teachers. I hope more of you will visit. You people really are such pivotal people in Alex’s life. She would not be where she is today if it weren’t for a few of her teachers. You all know who you are. Please, please come visit.

They do something up here at the hospital, for all of the cancer kids, called “Colors of Courage”. It is a bead building necklace type thing… more of a long, lanyard really. You get a bead for all sorts of different things you go through. For example… Every time you have a Bone Marrow Biopsy you get a “star bead”…Every time you are admitted into the hospital you get an “orange bead”… You get this cute little painted, wooden bead when you start to lose your hair… For every test or ex-ray or scan, you get a “glitter” bead… There are 28 different beads in all. There are some beads that we DO NOT WANT… I would say the lanyards are about 4 feet in total length and Alex is already working on her second lanyard and she has only been collecting beads for 2 months! That is just unbelievable to me. It really puts everything she has been through in perspective when you see all the beads.

Thank you everyone for sending good white blood cell vibes. They are working… keep them coming!!!

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