Tuesday, January 15, 2008

January 15, 2008

Day 8

Hi everyone!

We had clinic today and actually returned home after the appointment! Yae!! I swear, even what you would think would be a quick visit takes 3 hours. The chemo she received today was administered over 3 whole minutes, and we were there for 3 hours. Now, it will be my job over the next 3 days to give this to her. I actually administered it today under watchful eyes... it was not hard, just a lot of precautions for myself, mostly. Her counts are a whopping 700. Bummer we have lost so many since Saturday. We probably have another 4 to 5 days of losing them before they start to recover.

One exciting thing over the weekend was we took Alex to Best Buy. On Sunday I asked her if she would like to go anywhere... I figured that it would be her best chance to get out of the house while she still had decent white counts. She had gotten some gift certificates for Christmas and she couldn't wait to go. She was pretty tired after just two rows of looking, so she bought a few things and was ready to come home. It was really nice to get her out of the house. This was the first time that she had been anywhere but the hospital or her grandfather's house since she was diagnosed in October. Hopefully some things can get a little better so we can take her out again. I was hoping we could go to lunch on Thursday with my mom, but with her counts, that won't be happening now.

That is about it for today. Alex is resting... she was exhausted after her appointment. She will go back in next Tuesday and get another CT scan done to check out her lung, and then the nasty chemo... Vincristine. Bad stuff that one is...

If anyone has any questions about visiting, please email me at sburbank35@aol.com AND please, keep the good white cell vibes happening. Thanks so much for all the thoughts, prayers and messages. They mean so much

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