Tuesday, February 5, 2008

February 5, 2008 - Denied!

Hello all...

Well, what I thought would be "day one" of Standard Interim was not. So sad... her counts were not good enough to start the new course, so they sent us home. At least Alex was not anemic this week. Yae!!! Her platelets were all in line, but the good white blood cells, the ANC, was almost 0 again. I was a little shocked. It was 1900 last week, up from 300 the week before, so that was weird. And the MRI machine broke so we didn't have that done yesterday and we do it tomorrow. SO... not much to report on today as far as clinic goes. We did have some fun waiting on the doctor again. If you want to pull up the pictures, you can see how Dan spends his time while we wait. Never a dull moment with these two. He actually blew the glove up while it was on his head. He really is quite talented.

One VERY exciting thing that has happened since we last talked... is that on Sunday we took Alex to The Cheesecake Factory!!! She couldn't wait to go there. It is new here and she has been very anxious to go. We have not been to dinner as a family since October! It was a great outting. She felt good... she has been doing good with food... and at the time I thought her counts were good. Who knew that they probably weren't?? Hopefully it proves to have been ok. But like Alex said today... she doesn't want to be a total hermit, so we just have to be as careful as we can.

No chemo for Alex this week. That will be a nice break for her, although she was eager to get on with it too. But, one good thing is that her dad is flying in from Florida this weekend, and she should be feeling really well for his visit. They won't be able to go anywhere, but they should have a good visit.

Check out the new pictures... and I will write again tomorrow with MRI pictures and more info.

Please don't forget to send the good white blood cell vibes. I think I lost a few of you this week??? hee hee Just teasing... you are all doing great.

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