Friday, January 18, 2008

January 18, 2008

FRIDAY, JANUARY 18, 2008 12:56 PM, MST

Day 11 - Last day of IV chemo this week

I did it! I am done with the chemo thing! I am sure Alex is glad to have it over also. The 4 day in a row chemo treatments are over for awhile. I have looked ahead in her protocol and I don't see this one introduced again for a LONG time. YAE!!

I am sure Alex's white counts are down to zero now. Hopefully by Tuesday, when we go to clinic, they will be coming back up.

Alex's friend, Valerie, came by last night and they watched a movie together. SO nice to see Alex doing some normal things. She has not been feeling well at all these last two days. They say that this type of chemo she has been getting is cumulative, so maybe we have a few more bad days in store?? The poor thing isn't too bad during the day, but night comes and it is not good! She hasn't been getting much sleep at all and the nausea has been almost uncontrollable. It makes you feel so helpless. I sure hope that the next two weeks will be better for her.

Thank you everyone for all the good vibes! Keep them coming! And thanks for all the nice emails that I have been getting also! It is so nice to see that so many of you are thinking of us.

I have updated the pictures to include me administering chemo, and the chemo kit.


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