Wednesday, January 2, 2008

January 2, 2008 - Back to the hospital with you!

Happy New Year everyone!

Well, we are back in the hospital. Alex had a fever last night and the oncologist wanted to see her in the ER. It was a breeze though... we walked into the ER and they said "this must be Alex" (she has to wear a face mask when she goes outside the house). The oncologist has set everything up with the ER and they were expecting us. They took us right back to a room and drew some blood. NOW, depending on what grows on those cultures, we will see what to do about the fever. I have been doing a lot of research and all of this is extremely normal. That has been a good thing to find out for me. Now I don't freak out everytime we have to come back in here. It really isn't a whole lot better at home for me... but the food is better there :) I can't even begin to tell you all how dismal the food is here. I am starting to eat M&M's for dinner because they are the only thing that tastes good.

Our New Years day was nice... My mom came over and we made a big dinner. Alex had missed Thanksgiving dinner, so we made it yesterday. I had some friends over and we had a great time before Alex's temperature went out of control and we had to come here.

Today we are sitting in the hospital room waiting on blood. Alex's red blood cells were low... and her white blood cells were non-existant, so... even with all the good white blood cell thoughts, her next round of chemo is postponed. BUMMER! She is extremely neutropenic right now, so we are pretty much in isolation in her room. She isn't even allowed in the hallway without a mask on. We are hoping all her counts improve by Sunday/Monday, so Chemo can start again on Tuesday. Hopefully...

One nice thing about this hospital... I know everyone on the floor now. All the nurses and doctors are so nice, and they know so much about Alex now, that I feel like she really gets great, special care. Alex's nurse today is Suzanne. She is awesome. She actually became a nurse after going through this exact same thing with her 2 year old daughter... Her daughter is older now and doing great. She definitely knows how I feel sitting here.

Thanks to everyone that is signing the guestbook... I am reading the messages to Alex. Please keep signing... it is a great way to send her a message.

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