Monday, January 31, 2011

January 31st, 2011 - We're Back!!! Day 38

Hey everyone!

Just a quick little update for all those that aren't up to date yet. We are back in the hospital. It's nothing serious (we think) just a low fever.

We had an appointment today at 8:00am. We arrived clinic and while they were doing Alex's vitals the lady says "oh, did you know you had a fever?" ummm, no... SO, here comes 2 nurses with a crap load of vials for blood draws. They did 6 different cultures in addition to many different labs. They double checked the temperature on a few thermometers and decided that "yep, indeed a fever." That means we are in the hospital for at least 48 hours. The process goes like this: Once there is a fever, they take 2 different cultures out of each of Alex's lumens. One for bacterial and one for viral infections.... they put them in these bottles that look like some type of condiment (Tabasco) bottle... those get sent off and watched for any growth. They also check urine for UTIs. Then Alex gets admitted and sent to a room. Luckily the cancer floor has been pretty quiet over the last few weeks and we had a room within minutes. They started antibiotics on her immediately. After about 20 minutes they came in and said they wanted to do a chest x-ray on her as well. SO... off we went and had that done. It was very quick. I have no idea what the results of that was. I am hoping to find out tomorrow.

Blood counts today were pretty awesome though...

ANC - 1,800 (a bit lower than Thursday but obviously they are busy fighting something)
Platelets - 100 (this is such an awesome thing to be seeing this early!)
HCT (red blood) 27 - still low but not low enough they are going to transfuse yet. Possibly tomorrow?

That's about all I have tonight. I don't know a whole lot yet. So... I will update tomorrow with any new information.

Thanks for being here everyone!

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