Monday, January 17, 2011

January 17th, 2011 - Now We're Cook'n - Day 24

Just a short little update to say that Alex has engrafted! YAY!!! Yippeeee! Her ANC shot up overnight from .400 to 1.100! It's incredible and the doctors were pleased. WooHoo!

Other than that not a lot going on. Alex really is not feeling well. She is extremely tired. I bet she slept most of the day today. They say that her body has been working so hard to get better that this exhaustion is normal. We did get her out of the room today and we walked down the hall and back. It was a long hall and a HUGE walk for Alex. She hasn't walked anywhere but the bathroom since the 16th of December. This totally wiped her out. I am hoping we can get her out of the room again tomorrow. You would think she would love this... but she doesn't. She isn't a kid that really cares if she should walk or not. Me? I'd be going crazy to get out of the room.

Food isn't happening all that much either yet. She is eating Carnation Instant Breakfast, which we have nicknamed "Cibs." She is also eating some cereal and soup on occasion. It takes a LOT of nagging to get her to eat anything.

So... today is the 17th. It's been 5 months now since our lives changed again. The 17th is starting to be a bitch of a day. November 17th 2007 is when Alex suffered her massive stroke. I feel like we've almost been living at the hospital for these last 5 months. For the most part we have. We have spent 82 days in the hospital since August 17th. Damn! We need to quit doing this!

That's about all I have tonight. I hope Alex is feeling a bit more perky tomorrow. It would be nice to see her smiling again.

Thanks for tuning in on this exciting day!

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