Wednesday, February 2, 2011

February 2nd, 2011 - Happy Groundhog Day! Day 40

Hi everyone!

Just to let everyone know, we are home again. This last visit really didn't amount to anything. The fever really didn't amount to anything and it never even showed its face again after the clinic visit. All the cultures came back negative after 48 hours. The chest x-ray was clear too, so that was all good news.

Alex was released today in record time. I think her and Dan were home by noon. A small miracle for sure. I stayed at home for most of this inpatient stay because I was sick. It's so hard to be home and know that you really shouldn't be up on the cancer floor. Luckily Dan was not working and was able to spend a lot of time up at the hospital. Alex had her grandpa up there too, which was really nice since it's hard for him to visit her here at the house.

Our great friends, Bob and Pam, had invited us over to watch their annual showing of Groundhog Day (the movie.) Surprisingly, Alex accepted the invite and wanted to go. This was the first time Alex had been out of the house or the hospital since the first part of December. It was great to get her out. We all had a really nice night. Thanks for having us Bob and Pam! Alex is really excited about the 'Apocalypse Now' showing :0) When we were getting ready to leave Bob and Pam's house, we were all standing around talking and Pam said that after hearing we were bringing Alex, she had told Bob to get the house all cleaned... So Bob had been frantically cleaning all day before we arrived for the movie... Pam said that it was so nice that we came... giving Bob the day to clean... and asked if we could bring Alex over again next week :D I see a business plan in the works!

We are once again just chill'n at home. Hoping for no fevers until our next visit at clinic on Monday. The bone marrow biopsy has been moved for Monday as well. I hope we don't have anything interfering with it this time. They did do the Chimerism test when we went in this last Monday, so I am hoping there are some results for us next week. I bought a new puzzle for Alex and I to work on :o) I will post photos of it soon. It's only half as big as last time, so shouldn't be too bad. It's something Alex and I can do together and it gets her up!

Thanks for being here everyone! I will update more on Monday with all the new info.

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