Friday, January 7, 2011

January 7th, 2011 - Two Weeks!!! 14 days!

TGIF everyone!

Well there isn't much to report on which is good news. The day has been pretty quiet thank GOD! No bloody noses so far. We've been in the hospital for a little over 3 weeks now and 2 weeks since transplant. Unbelievable. I so miss Alex around the house. Our oldest dog sits outside her room and looks at me with sad eyes. Dan and I (and the dogs) will be very glad to get her home.

The blood counts were a fluke. We got nothing today :0( boo! Here is a rundown of the counts today:

Glucose 126 (high)
Hemoglobin 8.2 (low)
Hematocrit 24.2 (low)
Platelets 25 (low) (so yesterday she got a bag of platelets in the morning bringing her platelet level of 12 up to 37... and she went down to 25 overnight)

They say that red blood is on the menu for tomorrow. She'll get a few bags of those. Other than that, not much going on tonight. We've loved our nurse today. I think I am going to chain her to the room for awhile :0)

The new cream arrived this morning and we've been applying it. (cream #6) Hard to say what's what but she does look a bit better today. Her hands and feet are still really warm to the touch, but they are less red and bumpily :o) There is still a rash there for sure, but it appears less angry.

I hope everyone has a great weekend! Please send little grafting vibes!


  1. The on-again-off-again blood count thing happens to a lot of patients waiting to engraft. It happened to me both times, but within 3 or 4 days of the non-event, I started to engraft. As for Alex's rash, have they tried triamcinalone? Worked for me every time and it's what I continue to use for GvHD of the skin.

  2. Sounds like engraftment to me YEA!! Enjoy the euphoria. Things should happen guickly now. I am so happy for you guys..
