Wednesday, December 8, 2010

December 8th - Dental Exams - One week to admit and 16 days to transplant

Happy Hump Day everyone!

Everything went great today on our journey up into the North country. :o) Our dentist is up in Layton as well as some of our doctors. When we moved to Salt Lake 3 years ago we had every intention of getting new doctors, dentists and all that type of fun stuff. Unfortunately Alex was diagnosed with cancer the week we were moving into our new place and all of those things have been forgotten about. I keep telling myself, to somehow justify the journey, that there are a lot of people that travel a whole lot longer than 30 minutes to see some of their doctors. There are so many great aspects of living in the city of Salt Lake. Everything is relatively close by and we have been spoiled with how close everything is for Alex. We are fortunate I should say. But during all this time, I haven't made it a priority to find us new dentists or other routine doctors. I think it's a matter of calling the insurance companies and finding out who takes what and I just don't have it in me. I spend SO many hours on the phone with both doctors and the insurance company that it's not worth it to me to switch. SO... we all drag ourselves to Layton every so often to get things done. Usually I try to set up lunch with my BFF, Cindy... but today she wasn't available, so the 3 of us went to one of our favorite haunts after all our dental fun. The Burger Bar. For all you Davis and Weber county friends, you'll know the Burger Bar. It's a little piece of delicious heaven all soaked up in some Utah fry sauce! YUM! We ended up having a great lunch together.... in our car.... because that's the only way you can eat your meal at the Burger Bar. (this part doesn't thrill me)

SO... we are a week away from Alex's hospital admit. She seems VERY anxious to just get it going. I have things all over the house that are ready to go to the hospital. She needed many new, unopened things for her admit. We are still in need of super large ziplock bags... the kind you can put blankets into. And if anyone knows anyone in the food service business please email me... I need packets of mayo. I cannot locate these anywhere, so I am assuming I probably need to get some at a restaurant supply company.

I want to thank everyone that has contacted me about the upcoming blood drive. It brings tears to my eyes to see the response we are getting. I am going to do my VERY best to be there! Alex's father will be in town, and as long as Alex is stable and everything is good up at the hospital, I will be there! I guess I feel like if I can give back in any way to all the people out there donating to us... it will make me feel better. It's something I can do.

I find myself thinking about the donor... Where does he live? What is he doing now to prepare for his donating process? Is he taking care of himself :o) Will he cancel at the last minute? I am sure these are normal thoughts. But they are stressful. I mean, what happens to a poor kid that has just undergone the preparative stage only to have a donor cancel? I know I can't think like that... but those little thoughts creep in now and then.

Tomorrow we have our Bone Marrow education workshop. It's funny... We are the only ones at this stage in a BMT at this time at the hospital, so we'll be the only people in all these little classes. We are going to sluff the "child life" class and also the "social work" class. These two classes are in the middle of the day, of course... making it necessary for us to go back and finish up the areas that we do need to be present for. This will be an all day appointment. Maybe we can go have a great lunch again. We are trying to take Alex somewhere every day to one of her favorite places. She cannot have restaurant food for the minimum 6 week hospital stay. And she cannot have any restaurant food for the 100 days after transplant either. SO... we are cramming her with good food for the next week.

Another cool thing is... get this... Alex gets her transplant on Christmas eve and the first 100 day count up is extremely crucial. Guess when the 100 day mark is? April 3rd. Her 21st birthday exactly! This is the kind of math that Dan does when he isn't sleeping :D

I will update with all our ooodles of information we are sure to get tomorrow.

Thanks for being here with me!

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