Thursday, December 30, 2010

December 30th, 2010 - Move'n On Up - Day 6

Hi everyone! We are DAY +6

Today we got to move rooms. We have had our eye on a couple of rooms for months. There are only 2 good rooms on the cancer floor. They both have a couch and a palatial bathroom. They were both occupied when we arrived on admit day. We were told it was highly unlikely that we would be able to get one of the coveted rooms since one room had a girl in it that will be there for 6 months! And the other was another BMT that was admitted just 2 days before us. Odds weren't good. Well, fortunately for us... but unfortunately for the other BMT patient, we were moved into that bigger room today. I guess the little BMT girl was taken down to the ICU late last night :o( Alex's dad and I spent a few hours making the transition today. Alex even spent a good chunk of time at her closet taking down all her postcards. Her nurse came in and said in her 10 years of being a BMT nurse that she has never seen a BMT patient being so productive. It definitely took it's toll on poor Alex today. Just being up for about 30 minutes made her exhausted. Well, we got her moved and the new room is better. Of course everything is a trade off. The cell phone signal is almost nonexistent on this Pod we're on. The T.V. isn't quite as good... and now it's a left-hand room... but there is a couch and that will be SO nice when there are more than 2 of us. So, we are in room 4404 now.

Besides the move not much is new. Alex is in a LOT of pain now. Her morphine pump has been increased and she is finding it hard to even talk now. She is also on I.V. nutrition. They have hooked up a tube she can use to suck out her own saliva so she doesn't have to swallow on her own. She was able to drink a whole instant breakfast thing today. That was incredible. She is really tired and weak. It sucks to see her so miserable. Every day that passes is another day closer to engraftment. Hopefully it happens soon!

I hope everyone has a great holiday this weekend. I will update with any new information and photos. Let's hope that 2011 brings much better things our way!


  1. Alex and family,
    Have tried calling and the blog explains why that has been inefficient. You are on our minds and in our hearts. Engraftment will be yours! oxoxo The Trimbles - Cindy, Jon, Dave and Leslie

  2. Hi Cindy... That is too bad that you aren't able to get through. I know Alex would love to talk to you. Or to see you... She loves hearing from you.

  3. Stephanie,
    We were reluctant to drop-in over the holidays but next time we are near, we will do exactly that. Hugs and kisses and hugs and kisses to the most beautiful, courageous genius this world has ever known! AND thanks for fighting the good fight! oxox Cindy et at
