Wednesday, December 22, 2010

December 22, 2010 - Chemo Complete! - 2 days to transplant

Hello everyone!

There isn't a whole lot more to report on from yesterday but thought I would give an update all the same.

Today Alex's is getting 2 units of blood. This was the lowest I have seen her red blood count get before they have infused her. She should be all tanked up by the end of this evening. A few exciting things have happened today. The most import one is that Alex has finished her last round of chemotherapy...forever we hope! She will get some therapeutic doses of a type of chemotherapy once the transplant happens, but just to tone down the new stem cells. NOTHING like chemotherapy you get in treatment. SO... Chemo is over! That is fantastic! Another great thing is the 3 showers a day are over. These have been awful for Alex. With the new surgery site, it's just bad. After every shower the nurses have to come in and scrub the surgery site and put on a new bandage that has to wrap around her chest. She could not have any tape on her skin with that last chemo. Having an exposed wound and then showering it 3 times a day has been traumatic for Alex. Now that's over. Today also started the first dose of the anti-rejection drug, Prograf. Alex has 6 different pumps on her IV pole today. She has fluids (still need to keep the bladder working) anti-nausea, antibiotics, blood, Mesna (the rescue drug for Cytoxin).

Well, we have 2 days until transplant. I am about ready for this to happen so I know the donor did their business and we are on our way :) Hopefully we get some information tomorrow about what time this will happen on Christmas eve. It will all depend on when the bone marrow arrives and how long it takes to wash the red blood cells from the collection. OOH... learned something today about platelets. It takes 6 different people to make up a bag of platelets. This is why everywhere is always in need of platelets.

I hope everyone has a great night! I will update more tomorrow...

Alex got an adorable animal from Scentsy

Alex getting 2 bags of blood


  1. Stephanie, I am so glad she is done with chemo and done with the showers. Cleanest kid in town..LOL
    Lots of Love to you all!

  2. Glad to hear chemo is done-One step closer to a normal healthy life.
    Thoughts and prayers coming your way from Az.


  3. way to go Alex!! the rest will be a breeze after those 3 a days!!
