Thursday, December 23, 2010

December 23, 2010 - T'was the Night Before - ONE day to transplant

Merry Christmas eve eve...

I have very little to report on but I feel I must write on the day before the big day.

Today was supposed to be a rest day for Alex and it's been anything but. I think it's kind of frustrated her that there has been so much happening for a day she was looking forward to doing nothing. Oh well... such is life here at the hospital.

Alex hasn't felt very well all day and hasn't wanted even her favorite visitors :( Even Paul, the psychologist couldn't cheer her up :( It's just been a weird day. I think MANY things are weighing on her poor mind and I can't do much to alleviate that.

Alex was scheduled to get more globulins today and I think it stressed her out the entire day. After that bad reaction, it was just hard to distract her. Well... the good news is... the globulins ran PERFECTLY! wooohooo! I am so glad that she had a good experience with these today. She is going to need many in the days to come. She has perked up considerably since the infusion.

So... tomorrow is the big day. They tell us around 3pm. I will update the blog with any information. Please send your prayers, juju, mojo... whatever! We need all of them! Thanks so much for tuning in and I will post tomorrow with fantastic news!

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