Wednesday, October 6, 2010

October 6th

Good morning! Things here pretty good. Alex's C-Diff tests came back negative. YAY! So, no one has to dress up like a hazmat team to come in any longer.

Alex's blood counts are continuing to drop. Of course the white cells have nowhere to go... they have been at zero for 6 days now. The red blood cells are low today and the platelets are continuing to go down as well.... I am sure they will transfuse again in a day or so. For all those who give blood on a regular basis... GOOD JOB!!! For those that don't... Please try to do so. It's soooo easy to do and we just heard that the blood banks are low (not dangerously so) and it's such an important thing to have blood in the blood banks. PLEASE GIVE BLOOD!!!! It could be something that saves your own life. I never gave blood a second thought before Alex was diagnosed with this awful disease and now... wow... She has gotten so much blood from people just to keep her alive. It's just an incredible gift to someone... and such an easy thing to give.

We had the staff Psychologist stop by yesterday. He is the nicest guy. Alex really likes him. She did NOT back in the beginning. After her stroke she didn't want to talk to ANYONE about any feelings... or how she was coping with things. He basically stops in just to visit. Him and Alex had a long talk about college... and what his dissertation was on... and then got into a bit of philosophy. They were having a good time just chatting... and I am sure she is a totally different patient than he is used to up here at the Children's hospital. He was going to try and talk to the night Dr. about getting us out of the room (with Alex wearing a mask) and letting her walk over to Starbucks with us. It's SUPER dead here at night and he thinks it would go along way for her state of mind. I agree but then some times I think we should put her in a sterile bubble until this is all over. I am just sure my way doesn't make much sense... or is very reasonable... but...

Other than that there is not much that is new. Which is a good thing really. We just sit here and wait for blood counts to climb. Alex is on her 4th day of neupogen shots. I wonder how long this stuff takes to start working?? And if the cells would grow at all without it? So far things are still dropping so? Amazing how all of these protocols are put together AND how different they are from case to case. Some people have different kinds of leukemia that they treat ONLY with oral medications and move right into a Bone Marrow transplant. Why is Alex in a group where they have to pretty much kill her off before they do it? It's all so confusing but interesting at the same time.

Alex's dad is coming into town tonight to stay with Alex for the next 4 days. Dan and I are going to get away and have a little break while her dad is here. I can't even tell you how much we are looking forward to having a bit of a break. She is SOOOOOO looking forward to his visit. It's such a hard time for her to have her dad so far away through all of this. I am sure it's hard for him as well. I am also sure Alex is going to love having a different face to look at for a few days! :D

I hope everyone has a great day. I will update more in a few days unless there is something to report on. Hopefully there will be nothing too exciting happen :o)

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