Wednesday, October 13, 2010

October 13th, otherwise known as Day 21

Good morning everyone and welcome to the new blog! I will try and get all the archived posts moved over soon so that anyone who is just joining will be able to catch up on all the excitement we have had over the last 3 years.

So, for today, things are going pretty well. Alex has just woken up and I am getting ready to help her shower. The nurse today is a bit of a dingbat. It's frustrating when they talk to you like this is your first day on the cancer job. Like today for example the nurse says "Well, before you shower I like to put these special strips around her dressing so they don't get wet." (said in this little sing-song voice) And I looked at her and said "We've been doing showers every day for 2 months and we have a system. I don't want anything else attached to her. We sort of know what we are doing." (I kept the sing-song voice out of my reply) This nurse is new. It's amazing how many there are! How could it be that we can keep getting new nurses after all this time? Where do they come from? This one seems to have worked in a preschool previously. I can tell it's going to be a long day. Alex is already annoyed with her.

Alex is going to get some more platelets today. This will be her 9th transfusion of some type of blood product since she arrived on the 2nd of October. Platelets are easy and they are fast to transfuse, so they aren't too much of a problem. All her counts today are horrible. Her red blood cells have gone down for yesterday also... so wouldn't be surprised if red blood cells are on the menu for tomorrow. Her ANC cells are still at zero. This will be the 12th day of Neupogen shots and so far... nothing.

I plan to call the bone marrow people today and see if they have any information for me. I feel like everything is coming up and I know nothing. It's a frustrating feeling. I will update as soon as I have some information.

Here are a few photos from the last couple of days

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