Saturday, October 16, 2010

October 16, 2010 - Single White Blood Cell

What do you know... A single white blood cell has decided to show his cute little self today! Wooohoooo! Alex's bone marrow has officially started working! And the exciting news is...............

Drum roll please..........

Alex gets to go home today!!!! YAY! She has one little lonely white blood cell but the doctor sees how well she is doing and has decided to release us from this prison. BUT... she has to have the home health nurse come every monday and every thursday until the next block starts to check her blood counts. We also will go home on IV antibiotics until her blood counts reach a safe number too. As long as she stays fever free the only time she'll have to come back up to the hospital is if she needs a transfusion. BUT... the good news is is that her red blood cell count actually went up a tiny little bit today. They are going to transfuse some platelets before we go home today so she'll have a few more of those. This will be the 12th blood product since the 30th of September.

It is amazing how fast Alex can start packing up her stuff. Hilarious really. Dan has taken a bunch of stuff home and is off to work... I am hanging out waiting on this long, drawn out process of discharge. Of course Alex has to get the platelets first but those are fairly quick. We are taking bets on when we'll really go home :) I am guessing 3pm and Alex is guessing 4pm.

Oooooh the platelets have arrived! YES! Now to work on all the fun stuff they have to deliver to the house today.

I will update more later! Wooohooo!

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