Thursday, October 14, 2010

October 14th - Two Bags Full

Good morning everyone!

We have been here two weeks today! Uggg!

Today Alex is feeling pretty good and is up and about joking around. So that is always great. We have already gotten blood counts today. I would not say they are good... BUT they are leveling out so to speak. Meaning that they don't seem to be losing a lot of ground compared to yesterday. Her red blood cells went down like I thought they would, but not much. I think this is good news. She still has no ANC white cells. SO... she is going to get 2 bags of red blood cells today... making this the 11th bag of blood products that she has been given since getting here this go-around. Amazing! And THANK GOD for donors! This will take about 4 hours of infusing and hours to get it going. It will be an all day process to get'r done.

The photos included today are from last night's activities. We were surfing the pods and they have them all decorated so cute for halloween (kid's hospital and all). They have all these adorable spiders made out of pipe-cleaners. Adorable as spiders get I tell you! :o) Any who Dan decides to take to a life of crime and steal a few.... Too bad I don't have a video to post. It was hilarious. And I am just SURE no one knew who took them with all the laughing that was going on. Now Alex's room has a few more decorations. Maybe I will make a cute "WANTED" poster and hang it outside the room. (I am good at WANTED posters by the way.)

This is the cute little spider... these have magnets and look so cute by the bathroom door. Especially funny when one scares someone :o)

Doesn't Alex look pleased with the stolen property?

Here is the big spider... this one had to be smuggled under a sweatshirt. He's attached to the I.V. pole now and seems to really like it there. He does look happy don't you think? I think we saved him really...


  1. How adorable... for spiders... And Alex looks wonderful! Here is hoping the red blood cells kick ASS today!

    Many Hugs, Deb

  2. Spider theft is a serious crime you know! As is holding a spider hostage. I hope you don't get caught!

