Friday, November 5, 2010

November 5, 2010 - Two Bags and a Boot

TGIF everyone!

Well, it appears that they want to kick us out of this place today. Everything has been going really well, and Alex's doctor is very pleased with the way she looks. SO, they are discharging us tonight. My most favorite time to be discharged... NOT! Oh well... BUT... Alex needs two bags of red blood before she gets to go home. Once again... THANK YOU to the people who donate blood! We sure use a lot of it.

So, as it sits right now, it looks like we'll be breaking out of here about 7 or 8 tonight. So dumb really...

That's about all I have today. Nothing too exciting has been happening. Which is good. I do think I got the doctor talked into starting Alex's next round of chemo the day AFTER Thanksgiving. How cool is that?! Wooohooo! SO, no more chemo until then! Yipppeeee!!!! We'll go home with twice a week blood draws done by our super home healthcare team. YAY!

Have a great weekend everyone!

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