Monday, November 22, 2010

November 22, 2010 - Another Lesson in Patience

Hey everyone!

Well, we are still coming to you live from the inside. Hospital life can be so frustrating. The way certain things are done can completely drive you crazy if you let them. Here are a few reasons why.

Alex was supposed to get an MRI on Saturday, but because of the continuous drip chemo it had to be moved to Sunday. They cannot unhook the chemo once it's been started. Ok... I understand that. So... Sunday rolls around and finally someone comes and tells us that they won't be doing it Sunday because they have a very small crew on Sunday and since it's not serious it will be done on Monday. Not Monday morning either... Monday at 6:00pm. Absolutely stupid when our original time was 9:00am Saturday morning. But... since there is nothing you can do about it, you just have to deal with it. In the mean time, Alex is still suffering with back pain and has been on morphine this whole time. We are also waiting around for the high-dose methotrexate to vacate her body. No one really knows how long this takes. It's about there... but not quite. The next very frustrating thing is that they have decided to move Alex to the 3rd floor today because other kids are coming into the cancer floor that are more sick than Alex. Ok... understand that too... but... Can't anyone think about anything ahead of time or plan things out a bit better? I had come home to do a few things and they decide to move her, so they have Alex getting everything ready in her room... things that I have left behind... Alex was a bit stressed about the situation and I just told her to sit on her bed and let them do it all. Either that or wait for a bit until we can return to help. Jeeze! What kills me is that they'll move her down to the 3rd floor where the patients have everything under the sun keeping them in the hospital... but she can't come home and wait for the methotrexate levels to clear when they almost clear to begin with? Packing up to leave is a frustrating chore... but to do it once today and then have to do it again tomorrow... Oh, so frustrating.

Anywho... obviously no results yet on an MRI. I will hopefully be able to update tomorrow with those results. I sure hope it's nothing. With Alex, it's rarely nothing... so? So... send "nothing" vibes everyone :D Other than that, things have been going pretty well. Alex is doing remarkably well and looks great. Also, the doctor stopped by on Friday (late) and said that there were NO blasts in her spinal fluid when they did the lumbar on Friday morning. YAY! That is super good news!

That's about it here. I am really hoping we get to leave tomorrow. It would be so nice to get her home. I will update tomorrow with any new information.

Thanks for tuning in!

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