Thursday, September 16, 2010

September 16th, 2010

Hi everyone. Sorry I didn't post last week. It got away from me :o)

We had our normal clinic day today. Alex had to have a bone marrow biopsy and also a lumbar puncture for spinal chemotherapy. Apparently there are still leukemia cells in her spinal/brain fluid. We will find out the results of how many cells today. We are really hoping that those cells are all gone too.

Alex's counts were good today and everything went pretty smoothly. I tried to find out more information about the next block of treatment, but we didn't get too many answers today. The next block of treatment is count dependent. Her ANC (good white cells) have to be above 750... today her counts were at 1800 which is great... BUT, who knows how much they will dip after her treatment from today, and the delayed effect from last week's visit. The doctor said the next block is also controversial in how they proceed. Some doctors believe the entire block should be done inpatient... and some doctors don't think it's necessary. Apparently the next block is VERY intense. This makes me sad for Alex. Since her counts are good today, we are going to take advantage of the next week and try to do some really fun things.

At home we are still doing the twice a day I.V. fungal treatment. We just call it the fungal ball... since she is hooked up to this cool ball thing. We are really hoping for some insurance news on the dang pill that isn't covered... but the I.V. system is. Go figure... Still makes me furious to talk about all the health insurance B.S.

I want to thank ALL the many people who have sent cards and gifts. Your thoughts and prayers are sooooo appreciated around here!

I also want to thank the ex (sounds better than old) teachers that Alex has had through the years. Your visits are the most amazing thing! Nothing lights Alex up like a visit from one of her favorite teachers. I also want to thank my very special friend, Dave Koz for your continued support. Alex just loves seeing you... And she is looking forward to your dinner date :)

Thanks again to everyone that cares enough to read about this awful journey of ours... I will update tomorrow (I hope :o) with bone marrow and spinal cell counts. PLEASE send good vibes! We need all the bad cells gone!

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