Sunday, September 26, 2010

September 26, 2010

Hey everyone. Well, we are still stuck in the hospital. We aren't sure when we'll get to go home now. Alex was running a really high fever last night and they determined that all her blood cultures had come back with positive results for bacteria. This news is actually OK because usually Alex has a fever and they can't really tell where it's coming from. That is worse. So, it was nice to know that they did find out she had some type of bug... wish I knew where she got that... and that they were going to start her on a BIG antibiotic called Vancomycin. This will treat the type of bacteria that she has going on in her. BUT we aren't sure when it will take care of the fever, so we are here until it does. NOT great news for Alex as she was only going to get to be home for 5 days and now she is down to "maybe" 3 days. So we are really hoping to go home tomorrow. She will be back up to the hospital on Thursday (if we even get to leave) for a 3 week stay.

SO... in the interest of "laughter is the best medicine" (which we are big believers in) I am requesting from my readers your participation in bit of a contest... I would like to see who could can find and send Alex the funniest greeting card. And you can't really offend her... in fact the more the offensive the better :D Please send your cards to:

Alex Thomas
1727 E. Ramona Ave.
Salt Lake City, UT 84108

All cards WILL be posted on the walls of her room for this LONG stay of hers. They will be a great thing for visitors and nurses to read... laugh... something Alex can look forward to every day. So please!!! get your cards in the mail and let's see who can send the funniest one :D Store bought, hand made... whatever! As long as they are funny :o)

Thanks everyone. We appreciate the coooooool vibes coming our way. They haven't quite reached her yet, but I am sure they will.

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