Saturday, September 25, 2010

September 25, 2010

Hi everyone.

Well, we are still up in the hospital. Alex was supposed to be released today but she has a fever and they didn't feel comfortable letting her go home today. It was disappointing since we were only going to get 5 days at home before we had to come back.

Alex finished her 4th dose of ARC cytarabine chemotherapy this morning about 8am. It was a brutal couple days for Alex. This was SO much medicine. I can't say that I am surprised that her body is running a fever. It's almost 9pm here and her temperature now is 103.5 Not a good thing. She is watching Dr. Strange Love and we are watching her. :o) They have drawn two sets of blood cultures throughout the day and are watching them for growth. So far everything is coming up negative to any bacteria so? Her counts are quite good today so it's a little surprising that this fever is spiking so high. Hoping it breaks in the night and she is good as new in the morning.

Please send nice little cooling vibes... I know you all can do it... you've done it before :o)

I will update as soon as we have more information. I am hoping to let you all know that we are home tomorrow.

You can also find more information on my Facebook page. Just "friend" me at "Stephanie Harris Burbank".

Have a good night everyone!

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