Wednesday, September 22, 2010

September 22nd, 2010

Just a short update for everyone...

The home health nurse stopped by this morning to take blood from Alex to see what her counts were. The counts came back at only 500 but after talking with her doctor we found out he wants to proceed as planned. SO... Alex will go inpatient tomorrow at 11:00 for 4 doses of high dose chemotherapy. She will receive one dose every 12 hours over 2 days. We are really hoping that she'll be discharged on Saturday. I am sure it will all depend on her counts. This same procedure will be repeated next Thursday as well. The admit coordinator tells us that it's unlikely she'll go right home next time. I guess this next chemical is really repressive to the bone marrow and it takes quite awhile for it to recover.

I will update with how things go over the next few days.

Please send good vibes! We sure need them!

Thanks everyone!

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