Sunday, February 24, 2008

February 24, 2008 - That's a wrap!

Happy weekend everyone!

Sorry for the late check in. Thursday was a long day, and then we had good friends come in from Kansas and Alex's dad from Florida on Friday, so things have been a little crazy all weekend. First of all, it was soooo good to see our friends. We missed our cruise with them in December, so they decided to come out this way and give us all hugs and hang with us for a few days. We had such a good visit! Thank you for coming Debbie and Rich!!!

Alex's treatment on Thursday was able to go forward! It was a great thing. Even though you dread the sick days that are ahead, you know that if treatment gets postponed, you are just further away from maintenance. So... her white counts were high enough to continue. She had IV Methotrexate, and Vincristine. The clinic visit was actually quite quick. We had to be at the hospital at 7:30am for her EEG (pictures updated). The test went well, but we don't know anything... of course. I will have to find out from the neurologist this week how things look.

After the EEG we went up to clinic and sat and waited for the doctor and the blood test to come back. After the blood counts were checked out, we had to wait for the chemo to be made up. It is specially made for every patient, so it takes awhile. They make it up based on your weight at that time... and the increase of chemo is also based on what your blood counts read that day as well.

Alex has had a great weekend with her dad and step-mom. Yae!!! Everything has gone really well. I am sure she is going to be very sad to see them go today.

Keep up the good blood cell vibes everyone! Send some more red ones... we were really low again. Not enough for a transfusion on Thursday, but they were way down from last week. And for ONCE since all this started, we have NO clinic visit this week (dare I say that?). Yippee!!! Our next visit is next Monday, and that should be "day 21" of our 51 day program.

Thank you everyone for everything! I hope there isn't much exciting to report on before next Monday :o)

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