Thursday, February 7, 2008

February 7, 2008


... Just thought I would check in really quick and say that there is nothing new. The MRI machine is still broken so we were canceled again. It is rescheduled now for Monday but the part is still not in and it should be on Monday. Yeah... right :) I am hoping so and then when we go to the doctor on Tuesday, he can read the results to us. I am SURE it won't happen this way in my perfect world... so...

Alex leaves tomorrow until Monday with her dad. She will be up in Ogden at her grandfathers house. She has been a little anxious about going there, since that is where the stroke happened. But I think as time goes by, she gets a little more certain that things are getting better. I really hope they have a nice visit together. So far, she hasn't had a great one with her dad since all this has happened. Let's all send great vibes for a GREAT weekend for Alex.

Dan's sister, Sandy and his brother in law, Duane are coming into town tomorrow as well. I SOOOO hope they get here before Dave picks up Alex. I know they would like to see her. I am really excited for their visit. They haven't been here together to visit us in 7 years... and neither of them have met any of my side of the family, so I am really looking forward to them being here.

I will check in Monday or Tuesday and see how all of you do on your vibe sending skills :o)

Have a great weekend everyone!!!!

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