Wednesday, October 8, 2008

October 22, 2008

Hello everyone. We went last Tuesday to clinic and it was a very quick visit. Alex did really well with it. Her counts weren't all that great, but the treatment went well. Can you believe that this last regular treatment was just 2 weeks shy of a year? Maintenance actually starts this week. The home nurse will come tomorrow and draw blood to see if her first treatment of maintenance can start on Friday. She will get a lumbar puncture every 3 months, and of course we found out that it is at the start of every 3 months, so that means one on Friday. Hopefully her counts are good and she can get it going. Please send good blood ju-ju so Alex can get going on maintenance. Also... I don't know if I told you all, but I took Alex to Westminster (her college) and dropped her off last Wednesday to sign up for all her classes in January. She didn't want me to go with her. It was a very strange feeling to be dropping her off somewhere on her own. It's a great thing, but it felt like the first day of kindergarten again. She thinks I am crazy, of course, but all you mothers would understand. Everything went well and she actually met with one of her old professors. She is hoping to find some part time work there when she starts school. Also, Dan and I went up to her grandfathers and brought her car back home. She thinks she is ready to start driving again. Dan and I both have been out driving with her. She is doing really really well. It is a scary thing for me. You all would NOT believe how Dan is with my child. Of course, those of you who do know Dan would believe it. I don't know what I would have done without him all these months. Him and my mother. Dan makes sure he is off work for every single treatment if he is in town. He gladly does for Alex as if she is his own. I feel incredibly lucky to have found a man that treats Alex with a love that you can see and feel. Dan is, by far, the best man I know. My mother... well what can I say about her?? She is the best woman in the world!!! I will tell you, it has been a very very hard year. But, even in the very worst of times, I knew that I never was dealing with anything alone. There will never be a way I can thank Dan or my mom enough. Although I do know that both do so out of NO obligation, but out of love. Another thank you that I want to send out is to all of you! I mean that from the bottom of my heart. You have no idea what all these messages have meant to me. There have been some very stressful times and I can come here and read such positive things and go away with a different perspective. You have all given me more than you can ever know. Thank you! I will keep updating the site when I have things to report on. I know that there are many out there that read the blog and love to know how Alex is doing. Please send good blood ju-ju for tomorrow :o) I count on all your blood vibe sending. I really do.

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