Tuesday, October 28, 2008

October 28, 2008

Today is the one year anniversary of Alex's diagnosis. What a night that was. I will never be able to drive by St. Mark's Hospital without thinking about that emergency room visit. There are so many things that I don't remember but this night has stayed vivid in my mind. Let's hope the next year brings better things and less complications!

On the clinic update... Alex had her first treatment in the maintenance phase. Not too much to celebrate there besides it officially starting and our next appointment isn't until November. Very wild! Alex had a lumbar puncture and IV chemo... and we also picked up 6 different prescriptions. We got her a month long "pill box" to put all the new drugs in. She was thrilled with this idea. NOT... but this is part of her treatment and cannot get forgotten.

There will be a nurse that will come every couple of weeks for awhile to draw a CBC and make sure her counts are staying within a certain range. The oncology clinic wants her counts low enough to be killing any lingering cells, but high enough so she can live normally.

Another thing that I thought I would update you all on... something I haven't mentioned here as we haven't had enough information to pass on up until now... Since Alex was diagnosed in 2007 and she was only 17, she is granted a WISH from the Make A Wish Foundation. Any child with a life threatening illness is eligible. She has mentioned many many things but finally decided on wanting to go to Italy next year. Today (wild since it is officially a year today) we found out that her wish has been granted. SOOOO cool! So, the Make A Wish Foundation will fly Dan, Alex and myself to Italy for one week next year. We are going to pay the additional money and take Dan's sons and my mother is going as well. We are also paying to extend the trip. This is such an incredible foundation. First Alex wanted to meet Noam Chomsky... then Jon Stewart and Steven Colbert... Then decided on a "Travel Wish".

I hope everyone is having a great October!!! I will update as soon as I have more to tell :D (big smiley!)

Thanks again for all the messages! I absolutely love them!

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