Tuesday, March 25, 2008

March 25, 2008

Standard Interim has been officially kicked in the BUTT!!! Woooo Hoooo!

Hey everyone! Well... we made it to clinic today and everything was great. Everything except Alex lost another 3 1/2 pounds!!! NOT good!!! I was really surprised by this! I think because the dreaded mouth sores have returned, I don't think she has been getting as much to eat as I thought. I have my work cut out for me to get her eating before the next phase because the doctor wants her up and holding steady. Get this... I can wrap my two hands around the biggest portion of her thigh, with room to spare!!! Other than that, everything else looked great. Most of our day was spent waiting on the chemo. It seemed to take forever today. Dan and Alex made good use of time by doing chair racing up and down the halls (picture posted). I know they love us there.

Alex has 15 days off until the dreaded phase starts. She will get many many different types of chemicals in this next phase. I have posted a picture of her next schedule. It shows what she gets on what day. On day one, she gets many things... some things run day 1 thru 7... there are several different chemos that she will receive 4 days in a row, at different times.. she will have 3 more spinal taps done... They are also introducing several types of chemo that we haven't had before... some orally, and some IV and some in her spinal fluid. She also has the YUCKY steroids day 1 thru 7 and then again days 15 thru 21. We are also back to going to clinic every Tuesday. This will be her last break of any kind before she finally gets to maintenance. WHICH I PLAN TO HAVE ONE ASS KICKING PARTY!!!!! Those that can attend, it would be great to see you there. I will let you know when.

So... we have 15 days of freedom until this starts. She probably won't feel the best tomorrow, but then things should start perking up. I hope to have a good couple of weeks with her. One thing that is WAY exciting that is going to happen during this break, is that it is going to be Alex's 18th birthday!!!! April 3rd WOOOO HOOOO!!!! Alex has been so excited to register to vote since she was WAY young... too funny... but true... SO, we will definitely get that done. It is so cool that she will probably be feeling really dang good by her birthday! Her dad is going to fly in (just for the day...but WAY cool!) and the family is going out for a BIG dinner at The Melting Pot. Something fun and different, and her choice. I will take pictures of the party and let you know how it goes.

Also... the Physical Therapist starts on Thursday. It will be so good to get Alex doing some different things. I need to find her a "hot" personal trainer. I know that would do it for me... hee hee

And for everyone who played last week... Lennon wasn't buried... he was cremated and his ashes were given to family and friends... Duane won!

Thanks everyone!!! And please send good blood vibes. Treatment can't start on the 8th unless her white count is high enough... and her platelets are up. All of your good thoughts are working. I really believe this... so please stay with us :o) And....


This is a filter that the chemo runs through.

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