Friday, March 14, 2008

March 14, 2008 - Lumbar Day!

Happy Day 31 everyone!

We went to clinic today as scheduled. First it was up to the Oncology clinic and that is where Alex is measured and weighed... blood pressure done, all that fun stuff. The good news here is her blood pressure is finally back down to normal and with NO drugs doing it. Yippee!!! She has been off of the 2 different blood pressure drugs for a month now, but her pressure has still been quite high every time we go in. Today it was awesome. Alex weighed 45.9 for the last three visits and today it was 46.0. SO... I am not allowed to nag her for a whole week about eating :o) That is like MAYBE an ounce. I wish I had this problem... I have gained an ounce sitting here on my butt, typing this! After the examination by the doctor, we were sent down to the RTU (Rapid Treatment Unit) for her Lumbar Pucture (pictures updated). As a side note... Alex and Dan try to think of funny things that RTU stands for every week. I can't even tell you what some of them are!! Anyway... first they put you in another waiting room and then the anesthesiologist comes in and goes over her history... and really talks with you about things. I love all of them that we have met. After that they take her into a sedation room and that is where they do the procedure. I am always able to go in with her, up until the time when she goes to sleep.... The procedure went fine and soon we were taking her out of the recovery room and back upstairs for her IV chemo. Today we opted for the wheelchair as she was still pretty out of it... Since we went down to the RTU today, her chemo was ready and waiting for us in the clinic.... and it was QUIET in there today. It was extremely nice. No one was making signs and flashing them out the window... no one was causing trouble... today was trivia... let's see how many people know this one??? Without using GOOGLE.... Where is John Lennon buried? Write your answer in the guestbook... the winner gets.... well.... they just win. :o)

That was about it today... just a bunch of chemicals designed to make Alex kick this nasty bug! We have an 11 day break now... next appointment is the 25th and then we are DONE with this phase!!! Yippee!!! Keep the blood cell vibes flowing so we can get it over with!!!

Thank you everyone... for all your well wishing!

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