Friday, December 28, 2007

December 28, 2007

Hey everyone! Well... a few days have past and there isn't much new. We had our clinic visit yesterday and THANKFULLY they didn't admit Alex this time. :o) She was very happy about that. She had another lumbar puncture... the last, for at least, five weeks. This is great news because she has been through these every single week since she was diagnosed. She has to be put fully asleep and the whole process takes her a couple of days to recover, and then it is back on Thursday for another one. After the lumbar punctures we go back up to the clinic and that is where she sits and they administer the IV chemo. We have the most awesome nurse up there, Stephanie. Cool name, I know... but she rocks! Alex was pretty much miserable the whole time. I sure look forward to the time where she can sit there like the other kids and watch TV or talk and laugh... there isn't any of that going on when we are there. I look forward to clinic because I get to ask all these questions that have been building up all week... and I also get to see how her blood counts are doing. This week she stayed steady. VERY good. So far, her white blood cells have not tanked out completely. We think she will become highly neutropenic (no infection fighters) after the next couple of weeks. That totally sucks! When she was admitted in the hospital she spent 10 days at a big fat ZERO. NO infection fighters at all. So everyone send good white blood cell vibes our way.

Tonight I made chili verde... a request by her. She actually ate a little. Very good thing, as she has lost a ton of weight. She seems so frail right now and it is heart breaking. Her boyfriend is here also, and that always gets a little smile when he comes. He has been amazing. Very nice guy!

Another good thing from clinic is we got to dump two of the antibiotics that she has been on... and one pill. Yippee!!! When I figure out how to load pictures, I will post one of all of her drugs. It is scary, and none of them are even chemo! So, the more we can get rid of the better.

I hope everyone has a great New Year!!! I hope ours gets much better!

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