Sunday, December 23, 2007

December 23, 2007 - the aftermath

SUNDAY, DECEMBER 23, 2007 12:43 PM, MST

Hello everyone... Alex and I are in the hospital. Again! It is the day before Christmas eve and I am sitting here making this web site about Alex. We were readmitted on Thursday when we came in for her scheduled appointment and she was running a fever and just didn't feel well. The doctor was concerned so here we are.

I heard about this site through a friend of mine that bumped into, in the ICU here at Primary Children's. The doctors are going to send us home today. They think she should be fine to go home for Christmas, but if the fever isn't gone by Thursday, her next appointment day, then she will probably be readmitted. This news does not thrill her. She has been sleeping for the most part of the day so far. We have been up to the "tub room" to soak her groin wound. The doctors took the drain out of her groin on Thursday and we still are advised to soak it twice a day. I am hoping that we are done with infections in this dang groin wound. It has been a problem since they did the procedure with the catheter they put into her brain back when she had the stroke. They tried to in through the left side groin and it must not have worked, so they went in through the right side. Well, the left side incision has given us problems since. It became infected and they had to take her into surgery on the 11th of December to remove an abcess in the groin and that is when they placed the drain. Hopefully it heals now and we are done with the issue.

We are hoping to be out of here in the next few hours. I will come back and update the journal when I have the time at home.

Thanks to everyone who calls and writes all the time. We all appreciate your support.

Things that happened before now...

October 28, 2007 - Alex goes to emergency room and is diagnosed with leukemia (ALL) Highest white cell count that the E.R. doctor has seen.

October 30, 2007 - Alex goes into surgery to have a port-a-cath inserted.

October 31, 2007 - Alex receives her first dose of chemotherapy.

November 17, 2007 - Alex suffers a massive stroke due to one of the chemotherapy drugs.

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