Monday, December 24, 2007

December 24th, 2007

Merry Christmas Eve everyone!

Well, we are home again. We got home yesterday about 3 and waited around until almost 7pm for all of our IV meds to be delivered to the house. Alex is on 3 IV antibiotics right now... all administered by yours truly. I am getting the hang of it, but it still is a little stressful, and the times make me extremely exhausted (5 times a day). I try to realize that Alex has it a lot worse than I do, and I push on...

Today Alex spent a lot more time "up". That was good news to me. She has been on the couch all day, instead of bed, so that is good news. We have watched almost every video in our library now, so I guess I better see about getting some others. I looked all dang night for an old Christmas movie and NOTHING!!! What happened to those stations that played "It's a Wonderful Life" all day long?? Right now it is hard to pick movies that aren't too emotional. Almost everything sets one of us off... I guess that is to be expected.

Well... this Christmas is sucking to say the least. I am trying to focus on the positive, I really am... but now my mom is sick so she can't come over... Dan is flying, which is good, but it means that Alex and I will be all alone this Christmas. Alex was supposed to leave on the 26th to go to her dad's in Florida, so I know she is quite depressed about that.

Alex's boyfriend spent the night last night... She even smiled when he came in, so that is great! I know her dad is worried about them sleeping in the same bed... JEEZE... if Alex felt good enough to take advantage of that situation, I would say "GO FOR IT!!!" please!!!

I still can't figure out how to post pictures, so when I figure it out, please check out the photo album.

Have a Merry Christmas everyone!

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