Sunday, December 25, 2011

Happy Birthday Alex!!! ONE YEAR!!!!

Happy Holidays everyone!!! And boy have I been a bad bad blogger. It seems like things just got busy and better and I have let the blog slide.

Well, as all my followers know, today marks the one year anniversary, or birthday I should say, of Alex's bone marrow transplant. What a year it's been.

Since I haven't updated for so long, I'll let you all know that we really didn't turn a good corner until the first part of September. I was just amazed at how long things seemed to take. I was prepared for so much of everything up front, but the longevity of the situation was something I wasn't anticipating quite as much. I will say that once the corner was turned, things really came along quickly.

Just this last week Alex has gone in for some of her vaccinations. For all of you that are new or don't remember, the BMT knocked out all of her childhood vaccinations. Another thing that happened this month is her 3rd and final lumbar puncture/bone marrow biopsy. The results are in and she is still leukemia free! YAY! She is still 100% donor cells so that is super news.

Also since my last update, I had a super fabulous, super successful fundraising event for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. It was such a great night and Alex really enjoyed herself. I had some incredible friends and family fly in for the event and it was the best night! I hope I see more of you here next year! What a night! I want to thank everyone that sent wine and donations. I COULD NOT do this event without you! We raised almost $2,000 total for Alex's "Light the Night" team. YAY!

Alex is FINALLY starting school on the 4th of January. It's an incredible milestone for her. We have a new nickname for her "Student Interrupted." She so needs to get back into school and back to the environment where she thrives. I am so happy to see her getting back on track. But it's weird, I will miss her when she goes off to school. A mother should not have to go through these events this many times! Jeeze! I'm excited to see her get back to what she loves. I hope she doesn't get interrupted again. She SO deserves to get on with her life... cancer free... treatment free... doctor free.

Speaking of "doctor free" on her last appointment the bone marrow team said their goodbyes saying that their job is done and have released her back to the oncology department and her family physician. It was a sad, but great thing. This small group of people are amazing and I feel such a connection to them now. I know it's their job, but I feel like I owe them more than I can possible repay. They spend every day troubleshooting these cases that are life and death. I just can't imagine that responsibility. And they all are so human at the same time. Incredible people. I will forever be grateful to them.

I will probably only update the blog when something interesting happens and I have to say that I hope NOTHING interesting happens! LOL

I have to say, there are so so so many people to thank throughout all of this that I hope you all know who you are. I have had the most amazing support system from near and far. There are many people that disappoint you through times like this, but on the other hand, there are far more that have surprised me. I have had some of the most amazing followers from around the world! How incredible is that?! And I want all of those people to know that I COULD NOT have done all this without you. My mom is a super hero for sure! Couldn't have coped without her and all her help! And Dan... well, Dan's is cut from something that few people are cut from. There is a nice story that I hope he doesn't mind me sharing.... He went back east for a visit this year and was chatting with his sister. She says to him "I know mom and dad are gone, but you should know that if they were here, they would be so proud of you." Such a nice thing to say, and something I will always remember. There are many things that are special about Dan, but there is one thing that has stood out through all of this... I've never had to ask if I could count on him.... he's just there for everything. Period. They don't make many like Dan. I'm so lucky that I have one of the few :D I love you babe!

Well, that's about all I have to report on this December 25th!!!! THANK GOD right?! It's been a year. It's been a brutal year. It's been the best and the worst year. I have a very happy, and healthy girl right now. I hope it stays that way until she grows old!

I hope everyone has a very, merry Christmas! And here's to a perfect New Year!

Alex and my great friend Natasha at the wine fundraiser night.

Our Light the Night team.

My friends and family that flew in for the wine fundraiser.

All the donated wine for the fundraiser.

Alex's final lumbar puncture and the "all clear!"

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