Tuesday, August 24, 2010

August 24th, 2010

Well... we are home. That is good news. They released Alex yesterday with a list of medications, twice daily I.V. anti biotics (that I get to administer at home) and an appointment to see her back in the chemo clinic on Thursday. She will receive a lumbar puncture weekly for the next 4 weeks. She will also receive IV chemo in the clinic each week. The process this time will be more aggressive than last time. The drugs are stronger and it is extremely important that they throw this relapse into complete remission in 36 days. We will have a bone marrow biopsy a week after this to determine how she is responding. We need some serious ass-kicking vibes sent out!

The bad news is, is that with this treatment plan, if she becomes neutropenic at all (low blood counts) she will have to be hospitalized until her counts recover. So, they are anticipating a lot more hospital time associated with this round of fun!

I will update more on Thursday with more information.

Thanks so much for tuning in!

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