Thursday, May 22, 2008

May 22, 2008

Just a quick update for everyone that worries... I will update more tomorrow, but we made it to the hospital today and Alex had her MRI... she was accessed up in the Oncology clinic where they did another CBC (blood count) and her red counts went down even lower than Tuesday so they are going to transfuse her tomorrow with a couple of units of red blood cells. Her platelet count went up a little, so they won't have to do those also. They typed and cross matched her this evening, so hopefully the blood will be ready when we get there tomorrow afternoon. I will update tomorrow with some new pictures. I just thought I would check in and say that the MRI went well and that we are heading back tomorrow for our 3rd day at the hospital this week. At least we aren't sleeping there :o)

Talk to you all tomorrow! Please keep the blood cell vibes coming. We need them!

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