Tuesday, July 26, 2011

July 26th, 2011 - Summer Fun and 7 Months Out.

Hi everyone!

Sorry it's been so long since my last update.

Can you all believe it's been 7 months! Some days it seems like forever and other days it seems like just yesterday we were living at the hospital.

So... since my last post a few things have happened. Not much though... Early in June Alex had a colonoscopy and an upper GI to try and see if there was some GVHD in her stomach. Everything came back clear on those. There could be SOME that is not really detectable. That isn't necessarily a bad thing since they would like to see a little. Anywho... at least we know with all the weight loss and the not feeling good, that there isn't something going out of control.

The tapering of the anti-rejection drugs has not been a fun process for any of us. Alex has one more taper left to go and then she'll be off the drugs. She is only on one pill a day for the anti-rejection but many other pills twice a day. Hopefully those will get better soon too. Alex's blood counts, however, are excellent! Things are really really good in that department. Those that follow the blog that have had a transplant, will know that it's incredible she has never needed one transfusion since being released from the hospital!

The other thing I wanted to tell you about is the fundraiser that I am having for this year's Leukemia and Lymphoma Society's Light the Night walk. I did this back in 2009 and was hoping to do the same thing this year. I am asking people from all over the world if they would (secretly) send me a bottle or two of their favorite wine. I asked them all to include a photo of themselves to attach to the bottle. And then I had a party... I invited all the local people that I know and strangers too... to a wine tasting party like no other. The entry fee was $25 per person and 100% of that amount was donated to our team's Light the Night entry. It was a GREAT party for a great cause. I would LOVE it if any of you would be willing to send me a bottle or two of wine? It was incredible to see just how far the wine came from at the last party. We had 45 bottles of wine show up from all around the world... all with their photos attached to the bottle and where they live. It was amazing to see just how far my voice could reach. The wine display was incredible. If you would like to send wine for this amazing fundraiser you have to wrap it up good, and do NOT disclose that it is wine. It is not legal to send wine to Utah.... There are several people that have had some issues doing this and have asked if it would be OK if they sent a check to me with their photo and their favorite type of wine that I can go purchase for the party. This is fine for me. I have had several people do this, so it isn't difficult to do this again. Please send to:

Stephanie Burbank
1727 E. Ramona Ave.
Salt Lake City, UT 84108

And if you'd like to donate to our team directly, you can click on my name and donate online here: http://pages.lightthenight.org/dm/saltlake11/PalsofAl#Welcome-to-our-Teams-Homepage

If there is anyone that is local and wants to attend the party, we'd LOVE LOVE for you to come. It's a more the merrier situation since it's $25 per person and the more the better! The party is September 10th at 7:00pm. It's an outdoor, dressy affair. (not formal wear, but nice) Even if you are not local you are invited! I have 4 friends flying in from Kansas, Connecticut, Chicago and Florida JUST for the party! I have the best friends ever! AND... I almost forgot... I have SUPER cool family that is flying in from California! If anyone would like me to email them the official invite, just email me at: sburbank35@aol.com

Well, that is all I have for this update. Everything is pretty much the same around here. Alex is getting out a little bit more but on the couch a little too much still. Hopefully that will change soon! I will try and get some good photos to post soon. Alex is really looking great!

Thanks so much for tuning in!