Tuesday, April 29, 2008

April 29, 2008

Just a quick hello and update... Alex is doing pretty good this week. It is so nice to have a week off!!! I don't remember if we have had two weeks in a row of no chemo?? I don't think so...

Well... I updated pictures and the latest is... (drum roll please) Alex decided to get a big blue streak in her hair. I was getting mine done (by my super coolest of all mothers) and while we were picking up supplies, she decided of all the times to go wild and experiment...now is the time. SO... I think it looks really cute on her.

The other new picture is from last night... the three of us went out to this new Gelato place... VERY good!!! It is so good to see her eating normal again and out and about. We are staying clear of busy places now, and hoping her counts are good come Friday. Friday morning home health will come in again and check them... then it will be a new roller coaster ride come Tuesday.

Dan and I are going on a much needed vacation next Monday and Alex's dad is coming into town to be with Alex for a whole week! This will be great for the two of them. I hope she isn't sick the whole time. Hopefully he will take some pictures for me to post when I return.

Starting on Tuesday the 6th, she will have another spinal tap done, and an entire new series of chemos. Some of which are the ones I administered at home back in January.

Have a great two weeks everyone! Please keep up the good blood vibes!!!! I need you stick with us even though we are going to be gone for awhile :o) I will update as soon as I return.

God bless!!!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

April 20, 2008 - The Blood Drive

Thank you everyone who came out yesterday to the blood drive!!! It is so amazing to witness the generosity of someone sitting there giving blood.

Thank you Tina, for arranging this drive... you did a great job, and it was so good to see you!

The day was awesome! As you can see by the updated pictures, Alex was able to attend the drive. It was a success! It was so wild... we were standing in the hall waiting to be interviewed in order to donate, when this stranger walked up to us and asked us what we were doing... he was the janitor of the building... we told him about the drive and who it was for, and he called his wife up to drive over, and these two strangers sat down to give blood for Alex's cause. Un-real!!!

I want to thank everyone who came... I wish I knew all of your names. Please know I mean YOU when I say thank you!

Thank you Dave Koz for coming out on your 50th birthday and thanks for bringing your friend Roxanne. It was so nice to meet her and I can't believe even she gave blood! The kindness and generosity just amazes me every day as we go through this ordeal.

I will tell you... this was my first time giving blood. I had never even given it a thought before all of this. I was even a little nervous about doing it... if I am honest. But... I figured with all of what Alex has gone through, the least I could do is sit there and give some much needed blood. ALL my worry was for nothing! It was such an easy process! It really only took a few minutes to give and didn't hurt a bit. It was such an easy thing to do, that I will seriously keep giving as much as I can.

Thank you everyone who came out! Thank you for giving up a part of your Saturday to do something in Alex's honor.

Alex and a VERY good friend of mine, Dave Koz

Check out all the good blood!